Samsung S10

Project: Samsung Note10 & S10

Year: 2019

Role: Art Direction, Design, Motion design, Illustation

+ Project Info
In today’s phone market consumers have so many choices when it comes to smart devices that they really need to dig into the details and feel confident when selecting the next smartphone that will allow them to consume and produce content that shapes their world. When consumers asked tech spec questions on Twitter the Samsung US Social Team was ready to respond with an animated info-visual comparing their current phone with the new Samsung Note 10 to help make that decision a bit easier.
+ Project Info Part II
The Samsung Galaxy S10 is one of the world’s most customizable smartphones. It caters to and evolves with Samsung's users and the tech community at large. One of the most active platforms for this community is Reddit. We wanted to create something that engaged and excited our Samsung users on two of the largest threads on Reddit. Rather than sprinkling in native content, we overtly spoke to the gaming and tech threads with two retro gaming ad's that doubled as Live Wallpapers that they could download and use on their own Galaxy devices. The end result was one of the most upvoted ad's from a tech brand on Reddit.
Comp 1
Comp 2